Some information and guidelines from the Judge In general the judge would like everyone to keep in mind that every judge is different. If your art work was not selected for an award in this show, that doesn’t mean that another judge won’t select it. Also she wanted to you know that she didn’t look at the tags on the artwork except to see the medium on a few. In general, what she was looking for was first a concept (or story), followed by design elements working together to create a great composition. For example, values, selection of color combinations, repetition, variety, etc. Lastly, she looked for solid techniques, how you handled the medium you are working with. Also important to her was how the art was presented; the frame, mat, or pedestal should complement the artwork and not detract from it. And the last comment was that this was a very difficult job with such wonderful art to choose from. | View the photos of our award winners! |
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